The United States of HealthcareSM - Blog
Seven Solutions to Healthcare Reform (Part 5 of 7)
In the past four editions of this series, we explored the opportunity for using updated technology as a solution to
March 10, 2017

Seven Solutions to Healthcare Reform (Part 4 of 7)
In the past three editions of this blog series, we discussed the opportunity we have in healthcare to use more
February 14, 2017
Seven Solutions to Healthcare Reform (Part 3 of 7)
In the previous two parts of the Seven Solutions to Healthcare Reform, we discussed the opportunity we have in healthcare
January 25, 2017
MediXall Group, Inc. Now Trading on OTCQB Under Symbol MDXL
Quantum Innovations, Inc. and PWeR® provide assistance in the formation of a new type of healthcare incubator, based in South
January 12, 2017
The Seven Solutions (Part 2)
We enter the New Year with optimism for healthcare, and we continue with our series of potential healthcare reform ideas
January 6, 2017
Breaking News and Commentary- Dr. Tomas E Price, M.D.
We interrupt our current PWeR News blog series, Seven Solutions to Healthcare Reform to discuss President-elect Trump’s announcement on November
December 7, 2016